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Best Search: Search a Better Way

Searching Tips and Tricks

Searching Tips and Tricks

7 Easy Tips to Search By...

1. Using Google's Advanced Search tool @ ADVANCED SEARCH.

2. Using Trustworthy News Sites, i.e.

3. Choosing Reliable Online Journal Articles, i.e. Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

4. Using an asterisk (*) to expand a search, i.e. medic* for medical, medicine, medicinal, etc.

5. Placing quotation marks around phrases to keep the words together, i.e. "greenhouse effect" or "To Kill a Mockingbird".

6. Using the minus sign ( -- ) in front of a word to exclude certain words, i.e. baking -cooking or Mets -Yankees.

7. Thinking of the answer and searching for that instead of phrasing a question, i.e. search for "gold at Fort Knox" instead of "How much gold is really kept at Fort Knox?"


Diggin' @ the Library

While using a search engine like Google or Bing will return a large list of web sites, not all the information you will find is college-paper worthy.  College professors not only evaluate your thoughts and how well you put them on paper, but where you found supporting documentation.

The best place to start is your college library webpage.  

Connect the Dots

Visualize what you want to search for by picking out the words that define your idea.  

To help you visual your ideas, use a concept map to lay it out.

Make Your Ideas Pop!

Concept map

Photo from Flickr

Idea 1

Photo from Flickr

Idea 2

Photo from Flickr

Idea 3

Photo from Flickr

Never, NEVER Rule

Never, repeat, NEVER use a Wikipedia article as a source for your documentation, unless your professor specifically gave you permission to use it.

Wikipedia is a great web site to get ideas and find out more about a topic.  Look at the bottom of the Wiki page to see what sources were used to write that article.  Go to those sites and look at the original source.  Trustworthy web sites or journal articles may have been used, so use them for your paper.