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MCTC Quality Assurance Faculty Support

There are a lot of great resources to help faculty with completing course reviews as part of MCTC's QA Plan. However, sometimes locating those resources can be difficult. The purpose of this Faculty Resource Guide is to compile all the valuable resources into one place to help streamline the process. 

MCTC Quality Assurance Plan

Quality Assurance Certification Process

PHASE 1: Self-Review

  • Each semester, all faculty will identify one course to be self-reviewed using the MCTC QA Self-Review Checklist, available below in two versions.
  • Faculty will identify standards that need improvement and seek professional development opportunities or additional training that will assist them with making revisions.
  • Self reviews will be completed each semester by May 1/December 1.
  • Faculty will submit a copy of the self-review to the QA Blackboard Ultra course.

PHASE 2: Revisions

  • Following a self review, course revisions will be on-going to meet the standards outlined on the MCTC QA Self-Review Checklist.
  • Faculty will attend and participate in professional development or seek help to make revisions as needed.

PHASE 3: Peer-Review

  • Each semester, all faculty will identify one course that has already been self-reviewed and revised to be peer-reviewed by another faculty reviewer.
  • Peer reviewers may be assigned by the Chief Academic Officer, Division Chairs, or by faculty request.
  • Each course will be reviewed by at least one faculty peer reviewer, but faculty are welcome to have their course reviewed by as many peers as they would like.
  • Peer reviewers will be added as a TA in the course by the Online Learning Coordinator so they may complete the peer review.
  • Peer reviewers will use a peer review checklist and the KES book to review the course, document findings, and provide feedback for each standard. The MCTC QA Peer-Review Checklist is available in two versions below:
  • After the peer review, the reviewer and the faculty member will meet to compare and discuss the self-review and the peer review. A third faculty member or Division Chair will review the course when there are unresolved discrepancies over a particular standard.
  • Faculty will use the peer review feedback to make course revisions before the start of the next semester.
  • Peer reviews will be completed each semester by May 1/December 1.
  • Faculty will submit a copy of the peer-review(s) to the QA Blackboard Ultra course.

Phase 4: Official QA Review

  • Courses will be reviewed on a 3-year cycle. 
    • Priority reviews may be initiated by the Chief Academic Officer, Division Chair or at the Faculty member(s) request. 
      • Reasons for priority may include:
        • If more than 3 years has passed since the original review
        • Significant changes that impact the course, such as new books, publisher content, technologies, curriculum updates, or other modifications to course design
        • Student feedback indicating significant deficiencies in a course
        • Outcomes analysis indicates improvement needed
        • Student success rate concerns
        • Based on enrollment numbers
        • If this is a new course or a course being offered in a new mode of delivery
        • National standards change
        • If professional or accreditation review is pending
        • If certification for PPE or promotion documentation is needed
  • Quality Assurance Course Review Process
    • When a course is selected, the instructor will be notified that the course will be reviewed, and the Quality Assurance Course Review process will begin. 
      • The course will be reviewed using a QA checklist.
      • If the course meets all the standards required by the QA checklist, then the course is considered QA certified.
      • In situations where a course does not yet meet the standards required by the QA checklist, specific areas needing improvement will be identified. 
        • The faculty member(s) will be expected to address these concerns based on their QA Review Summary. 
        • Courses that do not meet minimum standards will be referred to as "in progress." 
        • Once needed improvements have been made, the course will be reviewed again to become QA certified.
      • The completed QA checklist will be kept on file in the QA Blackboard course for SACSCOC purposes. The faculty member will also be sent a copy for their records and for documentation toward PPE and promotion.
    • Courses that have been previously certified will follow a Recertification Process approximately every 3 years.
      • The following does not require a new review before the 3-year recertification process:
        • Changing assignments
        • Adding assignments
        • Updating tests or test questions
        • Correcting errors
        • New version of a text that has minor changes
      • Faculty are encouraged to be innovative and try new technologies and strategies each term. The innovation does not always require a recertification of the course.