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ENG101 MCTC Library Research Strategy

ENG101 MCTC Library Research Strategy

#Topic: Concept Maps

Brainstorming Ideas

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Plug Your Keywords into a Concept Map


Example of a Concept Map using the topic "Diabetes"
--from ReadWriteThink

Use the keywords you have selected to create concept map.

concept map, also referred to as a mind map, is a tool that will help you visually see your topic.

Concept maps can help you to

  • brainstorm and organize ideas
  • create an outline
  • and help review for exams.

Begin with a central topic (or concept), brainstorm keywords and decide on the major points, expand to thinking about the topic from different angles, so that you can ask more specific questions. This will help you to analyze and improve your map. Now, you have keywords to help you search through the library databases.

The example to the left uses a very simple concept map with the main topic of Diabetes and branching out with main concepts and further details.

The Concept, or Mind, Map Exercise

An "I Understand" Moment!

How can YOU use a Concept/Mind Map?
Connect the main topic to subtopics.: 274 votes (72.11%)
Look for cause and effect.: 13 votes (3.42%)
Find contradictions and ideas that influence each other.: 93 votes (24.47%)
Total Votes: 380